Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Interoperability Gotcha: SslContextToken Negotiation & WS-Policy


When you try to import a WCF-created WSDL from a Java client such as Metro (WSIT) you may get the following error: log_invalid_assertion
WARNING: SP0100: Policy assertion Assertion[$DefaultPolicyAssertion] {
  assertion data {
   namespace =   ''
   prefix = 'mssp'
   local name = 'SslContextToken'
   value = 'null'
   optional = 'false'
   ignorable = 'false'
   attributes {
   name = '', value = ''
  no parameters
  nested policy {
   namespace version = 'v1_5'
   id = 'null'
   name = 'null'
   vocabulary {
   1. entry =   ''
   2. entry =   ''
   assertion set {
Assertion[$DefaultPolicyAssertion] {
  assertion data {
   namespace = ''
   prefix = 'mssp'
   local name = 'MustNotSendCancel'
   value = 'null'
   optional = 'false'
   ignorable = 'false'
   no attributes
   no parameters
   no nested policy
Assertion[$DefaultPolicyAssertion] {
   assertion data {
   namespace =   ''
   prefix = 'sp'
   local name = 'RequireDerivedKeys'
   value = 'null'
   optional = 'false'
   ignorable = 'false'
   no attributes
   no parameters
   no nested policy
} is not supported under Token assertion

The reason is that the WCF WS-Policy contains this section:

<mssp:SslContextToken sp:IncludeToken="" xmlns:mssp="">

This means that your WCF service uses X.509 certificates negotiation. In such a scenario, clients use the server X.509 certificate for encryption. The unique here is that clients are not required to have this certificate out of band (as in most cases), rather they get this certificate using a SOAP-level negotiation. This is implemented as an extension over WS-Trust. While this is not strictly a proprietary Microsoft solution, Microsoft was the only one to implement it so far. In short - X.509 negotiation (SslContextToken) is not interoperable. Unfortunately(?) the default configuration of a WCF service is to use this negotiation. To turn it off either update your WsHttpBinding configuration:

   <message clientCredentialType="None" negotiateServiceCredential="false" />

Or choose the correct scenario in your CustomBinding:

<security authenticationMode="AnonymousForCertificate">
   <secureConversationBootstrap />

You can also use the equivalent cases for username authentication. Note that any clients (including WCF ones) will now need to have the service certificates defined out of band.


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Monday, October 27, 2008

Best Forums For Web Services Interoperability


If you are writing a JAX-WS web service then you must be familiar with the Java.Net support forums. If you are a WCF developer you have surely bookmarked the MSDN forums. But what if you are an Axis2 developer seeking for interoperability with WCF? Or a .Net 2.0 tester having trouble with an XFire service? This post will give you a hint on where to ask your questions.

Axis2 / Rampart
If you need to work with an Axis2 service you can try to check if there is a bug already open on your case in the issues tracker:

You can drop a question at the WSO2 forums - This project is a server based upon Axis2 and developed by the same people who develope Axis2:

Another good forum is the JavaRanch:

If you have a security question you better check in the Rampart (Axis2 security module) issues tracker:

(You can also open a new issue as a "question")

Or again in WSO2

Metro - JAX-WS - Tango - WSIT

JAX-WS is a standard Java interface for web services. Metro is a reference implementation of it written by Sun. Tango (=WSIT) adds WS-* support to Metro.

For this project the support is concentrated in the Metro forum:

Or the binary web services forum:

.Net 2.0 / WSE2 / WSE3
.Net 2.0 is the previous generation of Microsoft's web services stack. WSE2 and WSE3 are the WS-* implementation for .Net 2.0. The best places to ask on related issues are the Asp.Net XML web services forum:

And the MSDN forum:

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
WCF is the latest generation of Microsoft's SOAP & WS-* stack. All related issues should go to the MSDN forum:

XFire / CXF
XFire is a Java Soap stack. Some time ago it has joined forces with Celtix to create a new Soap stack named CXF (CeltiXFire).

Questions should go to the mailing list:

If you still have question on old XFire go to nabble:

Spring-WS is another Java soap stack. Here is its forum:

JBoss is a well known Java application server and it also has a web services framework:

gSOAP (C++)
gSoap is a familiar c++ soap stack. The discussion forum requires registration:

But meanwhile you can open a support request or look at the open bugs:

WSO2 WSF/ C / C++ / PHP / Ruby /...
WSO2 mentioned above also develop Axis2 compatible toolkits for various platforms. If you have a question on any of them you can ask here:

If you have any additions to the list above please add a comment and I'll update it. Of course you're alwayes welcomed to share with us in this blog any interesting interoperability issue you have.


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Friday, October 24, 2008

X.509 interoperability & SubjectKeyIdentifier


I've already highlighted some X.509 interoperability issues before. This time we will talk about correctly referencing certificates.

A client that uses a server certificate in order to encrypt a message needs to reference this certificate in code. Inside the message the reference would typically look like this:


Or this:

  <o:KeyIdentifier ValueType="" EncodingType="">sWTM4Q7da6N9q2kYYYhn+jnnsv4=</o:KeyIdentifier>

Or this:

  <wsse:KeyIdentifier ValueType="" EncodingType=""<bBwPfItvKp3b6TNDq+14qs58VJQ=</wsse:KeyIdentifier>

Or in any of a few other formats.

The required format can be declared in WS-Policy. For example:

   <sp:RequireKeyIdentifierReference />
   <sp:WssX509V3Token10 />

However many services do not have WS-Policy so it's not a must.

There are various ways to get this SKI from a certificate. Some of them are:

  • The certificate might contain an out-of-band generated SKI inside it as an "extension".

  • An SHA1 thumbprint is calculated out of the certificate raw data.

  • The certificate serial number and issuer name are used

  • The certificate subject name is used

  • The SKI needs to be calculated from the certificate using some algorithm

    Guess which option causes us most trouble? Right, the last one. The problem is that it is not concrete enough. There were a few ways to generate this SKI and so there were misunderstandings between Java and Microsoft applications and even between different versions of the same frameworks.

    Let's take a sample certificate as an example. First convince yourself that it does not contain SKI extension:

    Now look at the format WebSphere 6 server would expect:


    WSE2 would generate:


    And WSE 3 generates this one:


    With WCF you would get the following exception:


    "'X509SecurityToken' does not support 'X509SubjectKeyIdentifierClause' creation."

    As WCF does not work with certificates that do not have SKI when the latter is explicitly required - and that's what I did for this sample.

    So by all and all we've got 4 different SKI's out of one certificate!

    Out of these 4 frameworks there is a way to interoperate using SKI and X.509 that does not contain SKI extension between the following:

    Note: It is possible to interoperate between these platform in various other ways. If you now design your system you should use these ways. The information here is provided for those who are already working with a given systems.

    So how can we reach this interoperability?

    To interoperate with WebSphere all you need to do is to change WSE2 configuration to:

           <x509 ... useRFC3280="true" />

    And it will generate a WebSphere-like SKI (which is more standard all around).
    To interoperate between WSE2 and WSE3 you need to leave the default WSE2 configuration as is and change WSE3:

           <x509 ... skiMode="CAPI" />

    Note: even though WSE 3 allows skiMode="RFC3280" as WSE2 does the calculation is different and will not interoperate.

    As for the rest - you would have to use a certificate with an SKI extension or use another type of reference instead.


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  • What Happened To The WCF Forum In MSDN?


    Update: Forum is up and running again.

    It's been over a day now that the WCF forum in MSDN is down. However for anyone in a need to raise an urgent development issue it looks like forever. It was just upgraded to its new version two week ago and now this. It's also strange that all other MSDN forums that were upgraded to the new version are up. I'm not suggesting there's a conspiracy of any sort but it's still strange. Why couldn't it be the WPF Forum or even Windows Live Controls Development Forum?


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    Tuesday, October 21, 2008

    Don't blindly trust WCF logging


    WCF logging is a very important debug feature in .Net 3.5. However you shouldn't always trust what you see...

    Removing nonce and passwords
    The first case where the logging may mislead is when security mechanisms such as username, password or nonce are used. For security reasons the log will no show them (see image bellow)

    No WS-Addressing
    The WS-Addressing standard is used in some of the bindings. When it is not used (as in basicHttpBinding or certain customBinding) the log will still show you something like:

    <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>

    However this will not go on the wire as can be proved with fiddler:

    This can actually also be proved by turning the WCF logging at the transport level:

    So we can't really say that WCF showed something wrong here - after all the service level logging does not go on to the wire - but it is confusing.


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    Thursday, October 16, 2008

    WCF & WSE Interoperability


    WSE is the previous generation of Microsoft WS-* stack. For this reasons a lot of Microsoft shops are in a need to interop between WSE & WCF. I'm not going to invent the wheel here - there's a great article in MSDN on this.

    There is one delicate point I'd like to emphasize. WCF supports WS-Policy which is a way for a service to specify what WS-* requirements it has (e.g. security, attachments). The policy is contained inside the wsdl:

    <wsdl:definitions name="Service" targetNamespace="">
     <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="WSHttpBinding_IService_policy">
         <sp:SymmetricBinding xmlns:sp="">

    When a WCF client is generated using "Add service reference" the app.config is automatically synchronized with the WS-Policy from the service wsdl.

    WSE does not support this usage of WS-Policy in any of its versions. So when a wsdl that was created using WSE is imported using WCF the app.config needs to be updated manually (or via the config editor). One exception is SSL which WCF can identify from the service url.

    For a WSE WSDL, WCF generats a basicHttpBinding by default. In most cases a customBinding would be required in order to reach interoperability on the wire using rich security options, soap12 and MTOM.

    I recently saw an error that a WSE server returned for a WCF client:

    Header for ultimate recipient is required but not present in the message.

    A short investigation showed that the WCF client used the auto-generated app.config with its basicHttpBinding. That's why it did't send any WS-Addressing headers as the error indicates. The solution is of course to manually edit app.config and move to an appropriate customBinding.


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    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    Interoperability Gotcha: doc/lit/wrapped


    Every wsdl has a "style" and an "encoding". They only set the soap message format on-the-wire so they do not matter for the most developers most of the time. However it is highly recommended to always use style=document and encoding=literal to increase interoperability. For example:

    <wsdl:operation name="MyOperation">
      <soap12:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
        <soap12:body use="literal"/>

    There is a special recommended style to write doc/lit wsdls: doc/lit/wrapped. In this format each message is named with the operation name suffixed by "request" or "response". The message contains only one part named "parameters" (this name never appears in the soap in doc/lit so it shouldn't matter). There are other requirements - see more details at Anne's blog. For example (pseudo wsdl):

      <xs:element name="MyOperationRequest">

    <wsdl:message name="MyOperationSoapIn">
       <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:MyOperationRequest">
    <wsdl:portType name="MyOperationSoap">
       <wsdl:operation name="MyOperation">
        <wsdl:input message="tns:MyOperationSoapIn"/>
    <wsdl:PortType />

    There are a few advantages to doc/lit/wrapped among them a cleaner model and a more expressive soap message. However this style raises a few interoperability issues:

    Axis2 code generation
    If you've read Anne's explanation you know that the root element in the message is redundant (since it always has to be used anyway) and so the generated stub looks more complex than it should. Keith explains how to solve this.

    WCF DataContractSerializer
    WCF has a few flavours of serializers. DataContractSerializer is the recommended one. However this serializer can only be used in doc/lit/wrapped. So If your use svcutil to generate a proxy like this:

    SvcUtil.exe /t:code /serializer:DataContractSerializer /s /out:IService.cs /n:*,myNamespace /ixt myService.wsdl

    You might get the following error:

    Warning: The optional WSDL extension element 'body' from namespace 'http://schem' was not handled.
    XPath: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://myNamespace']/wsdl:bind

    You will get this error if your wsdl does not comply to doc/lit/wrapped in one or more ways. For example if your part names are not "parameters". The way to solve this is either to change the part names to "parameters" (and fix all other issues) or to not force svcutil to use DataContractSerializer:

    SvcUtil.exe /t:code /s /out:IService.cs /n:*,myNamespace /ixt myService.wsdl

    In this case WCF will downgrade itself to use the .Net 2.0 XmlSerializer. This serializer is not bad at all and was used in .Net 2.0 applications. It does have a less optimal performance than the new serializer but you can use it in production applications if you need. Dan wrote an interesting comparison of the two serializers.

    .Net 2.0 derived types
    I won't dive into details with this one. Generally speaking .Net 2.0 might try to serialize as doc/lit/wrapped some wsdls which are not really in this format and so it can fail code generation. One example is when the wrapper element has derived types.


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    Cryptic WCF error messages (part 5 of N)


    This one isn't that cryptic actually but its cause is not always clear:


    The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:01:00. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.

    There can be various reasons why a proxy would throw such an exception with the main one being that the server is not available. However one other reason is that the maximum number of allowed sessions was reached. Some bindings (e.g. wsHttpBinding) under some configurations (e.g. Security or ReliableMessaging) cause the server to open a session with each unique client that accesses the service. A session is closed after the client explicitly closes the proxy or when the client is inactive for some time. There can only be a limited number of open sessions. When this limit is reached clients get the above timeout exception. In case you want to raise this limit you need to increase the number of allowd sessions

         <behavior name="ServiceBehavior">
           <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
           <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />
           <serviceThrottling maxConcurrentSessions="90" />

    Or from the configuration editor open the behaviour (#1 in image bellow), add an element (#2) and choose the "serviceThrottling" element (#3). Then change the number of sessions (second image bellow).

    You shouldn't allow too much concurrent sessions as it can hurt service performance. The most important to remember is to explicitly close your proxy after you have finished using it:



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    Interoperability Gotcha: elementFormDefault


    Recently I was getting an error from a web service indicating that my request is invalid.
    I looked at my request:

      <GetPerson xmlns="http://someOrganization">

    And at the schema:

    <s:complexType name="GetPerson">
        <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="name" type="s:string" />

    And it seemed valid to me.

    So I asked the service provider to show me an example of a working soap request. And so he did:

       <ns:GetPerson xmlns:ns="http://someOrganization">

    You can see that the difference is in the namespace of the inner "name" element: It is from the "http://someOrganization" namespace in my request but from the empty namespace in the working request. For those of you less familiar with xml namespaces: In the previous request "xmlns" defined a default namespace for all elements without prefixes; In this case only elements that explicitly use the "ns" prefix belong to the namespace.

    After a short investigation the cause of this was identified. Let's take a second look at the schema (which is a part of the wsdl file):

    <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://someOrganization">

    elementFormDefault can have 2 values:
  • unqualified means that non top level elements should appear as belonging to the empty namespace
  • qualified means that every element should appear as belonging to the targetNamespace of its defining schema

    So my request was valid for the "qualified" option and the provider sample was valid for "unqualified". Since the wsdl contains "qualified" my request is correct after all.

    However - as in many times with interoperability - there is a Gotcha:

    Many web services frameworks poorly implement elementFormDefault

    This effectively means that a server can use "unqualified" format even though the wsdl has "qualified".

    The solutions can be:

    1. Fix the server implementation
    2. Manually change "qualified" to "unqualified" in the wsdl and recreate your client stubs.

    For new services it is recommended to use "qualified" which is also the default for most new soap stacks.


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  • Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Cryptic WCF error messages (part 4 of N)


    Today's exception can happen when X.509 certificates negotiation is used. One case when it is used is when you use wsHttpBinding with:

    messageClientCredentialType=[anything but "Windows"]

    But there are other cases as well.

    You may get the following exception at the client:

    "SOAP security negotiation with 'http://localhost:13037/WCFService54/Service.svc' for target 'http://localhost:13037/WCFService54/Service.svc' failed. See inner exception for more details."

    The inner exception shows:

    {"The X.509 certificate CN=WSE2QuickStartServer chain building failed. The certificate that was used has a trust chain that cannot be verified. Replace the certificate or change the certificateValidationMode. A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.\r\n"}

    The reason for that is that the certificate the server uses is not trusted on the client machine. We can see this by double-clicking on the certificate in the file system or in the windows certificate store:

    You have 2 ways to solve this:

    1. Make sure the service certificate is trusted on the client machine. For example install its issuer certificate in the trusted root store.


    2. This is just for testing and should not go to production. You can disable the server authentication by the client: On the client side create a new endpoint behaviour with a "clientCredentials" behaviour element and set its serviceCertificate/authentication/certificateValidationMode to "None".

    The app.config may look like this now:

    <behavior name="NewBehavior">
    <authentication certificateValidationMode="None" />

    A picture may be better here:

    Don't forget to link that behaviour to the endpoint:

    <endpoint ... behaviorConfiguration="NewBehavior"... />

    Note that after you solve this error you may see a related cryptic WCF error message.


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    Monday, October 13, 2008

    How to validate your WSDL


    Update: WsiHero is A GUI utility to validate Wsdl / Soap using the latest WSI profile.

    Your service WSDL file is the contract between you and your web service clients. Whether you manually write the WSDL or let your framework automatically generate it for you - you want to make sure it is valid (otherwise you'l have no clients!).

    There is more than one way to define the validity of a WSDL: Does it need to be valid according the WSDL XML schema? Does it need to comply to known best practices? Does it need to be parsed correctly by common soap stacks? There are different ways to test each of these requirements. Commercial tools, like XMLSpy, can help you with some. Today I'll show you a free alternative: the WSI test tool. WSI is the web services interoperability organization and it has defined the WSDL "basic profile" - a set of best practice recommendations for WSDLs. They have also published a tool that can tell you if your WSDL confirms to this profile and today I'll show you how to use it.

    Update: WsiHero is A GUI utility to validate Wsdl / Soap using the latest WSI profile.

    Step 1 - Download the WSI test tool
    Go to the downloads page in the WSI site and download "Interoperability Testing Tools 1.1". It has a C# and a Java version - today we will use the C# one but using the Java is similar.

    Step 2 - Extract the tool
    Just extract the zip to some folder

    Step 3 - Configure the test
    Copy wsi-test-tools\cs\samples\analyzerConfig.xml to wsi-test-tools\cs\bin and open it with a text editor. Change the following values:

  • wsdlURI - Should contain the url for your wsdl, for example http://MyServer/MyService.asmx?WSDL
  • serviceLocation - Should contain the url for your service, for example http://MyServer/MyService.asmx
  • wsdlElement - This is the most confusing one. Your service has at least one endpoint/port. Here you need to define which one you currently want to test. In order to supply this data open your WSDL in internet explorer and notice that its structure is something like:

    <wsdl:definitions ...targetNamespace="" ...
    <!--a lot of tags-->
    <wsdl:binding name="MyServiceSoap"...
    <!--a lot of tags-->

    So take the value of the "targetNamespace" from here and put its value in the "namespace" attribute of the "wsdlElement" element in the configuration. Also take the value of the "name" element and put it in the "wsdlElement" element value. So the "wsdlElement" configuration may look like:

    <wsdlElement type="binding" namespace="">MyServiceSoap</wsdlElement>

    Note: If you have a few "wsdl:Binding" in your wsdl you should repeat this for each one.

    Step 4 - Run the test
    Open command line and go to the wsi-test-tools\cs\bin directory. Then run:

    $> Analyzer

    Step 5 - Analyze the results
    The wsi-test-tools\cs\bin folder now contains a file report.xml. Open it in internet explorer to view the results.

    Update: WsiHero is A GUI utility to validate Wsdl / Soap using the latest WSI profile.


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  • Saturday, October 11, 2008

    Java, WCF & Web Services Interoperability (part 3 of N): It's SoapAction time


    So, you want to write an Axis2 web service and have .Net WCF clients too? Or maybe you already have a .Net 2.0 endpoint and want it to be consumed by WSIT? Yes, that’s possible, but there is some important stuff you should know about. Whether you are a .Net WCF, AXIS2, Metro or any other framework developer/tester – you want to stay tuned for this series.

    Arun came up with an interesting interoperability issue for WSDL's without SoapAction. SoapAction is an on-the-wire-acronym for web service operations. For example in a web service "Calculator" the operation "Add" can have a SoapAction of "http://myService/Add" (but any arbitrary name can be used). Here is how this appears in the wsdl:

    <wsdl:operation name="Add">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" />

    An issue arises when no SoapAction appears: Should we use an empty SoapAction or a default one? Arun explains how this is handled in WSIT (Tango) and WCF. The conclusion is to always explicitly declare a SoapAction for all operations. If your framework generates the WSDL for you - make sure you annotate it correctly so it emit this information.


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    Java, WCF & Web Services Interoperability (part 1 of N): Be XML Schema Aware


    So, you want to write an Axis2 web service and have .Net WCF clients too? Or maybe you already have a .Net 2.0 endpoint and want it to be consumed by WSIT? Yes, that’s possible, but there is some important stuff you should know about. Whether you are a .Net WCF, AXIS2, Metro or any other framework developer/tester – you want to stay tuned for this series.

    This first post deals with XML schema, what you can do with it and – more importantly – what you shouldn’t do with it. I’m not going to preach you on service-first vs. wsdl-first approaches –
    others wrote some good posts on it. I am going to recommend you on some good habits no matter which approach you take.

    DO be aware of your schema
    If you are a wsdl-first type of developer then the schema is the first item you get to be aware of. But even if you prefer working with annotated classes: Be aware of how the different language types and annotations affect your wsdl – you don’t want to find yourself with a non-interoperable wsdl at a late stage.

    DO be aware of schema subsets
    This one is more for Java developers wanting to build service that interoperate with WCF. Microsoft has decided that WCF will support only a subset of the XML schema as a first class member. The main reason is probably to promote simplicity. This subset does NOT include xsd:choice, xsd:attribute and some other very common structures. This is the WCF supported subset – be aware of it!
    One word of restriction is required: Even if you use unsupported schema constructs in your wsdl WCF proxies have a “backward compatible” mode and they “downgrade” themselves to the .Net 2.0 supported schema subset which is larger. So it’s not the end of the world. However for various reasons, including performance and programming model ease of use – try to stick to the WCF supported subset.

    DO ensure schema completeness
    If your schema uses some type – you have to define that type in the schema or reference another schema that defines it. In the past there were some issues with types that one framework could understand internally and that’s why it didn’t put them in the wsdl - causing other frameworks to fail. So whenever you use a system type which is not the simple integer/string/etc. you should ensure its definition appears in the wsdl. For example if you are writing a .Net 2.0 web service and one method looks like this:

    public Guid GenerateId()

    You can notice how the wsdl contains the Guid definition:

    <s:simpleType name="guid">
    <s:restriction base="s:string">
    <s:pattern value="[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}" />

    Of course the same goes for java types such as maps and vectors – make sure they appear in the wsdl.

    DO NOT use schema types which are known to be problematic
    One example here is xsd:date and xsd:time which are not directly supported by .Net. The .Net framework treats them both as xsd:dateTime so some semantics would get loss.

    That’s it for today. Stay tuned for the following posts in this series. If you have any schema related tips feel free to drop a comment.


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    Cryptic WCF error messages (part 2 of N)


    We continue our journey in WCF error messages. Today’s error is actually somehow related to the first cryptic WCF error message. The use case here again includes X.509 certificates. This time we are just using xml digital signature without encryption. When we run our client we get the following error:

    Cannot resolve KeyInfo for verifying signature: KeyInfo 'SecurityKeyIdentifier
    IsReadOnly = False,
    Count = 1,
    Clause[0] = X509IssuerSerialKeyIdentifierClause(Issuer = 'CN=Root Agency', Serial = '-52580476043899823005482728065021010894')
    ', available tokens 'SecurityTokenResolver
    TokenCount = 1,
    TokenEntry[0] = (AllowedReferenceStyle=External, Token=System.IdentityModel.Tokens.X509SecurityToken, Parameters=System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens.X509SecurityTokenParameters:
    InclusionMode: Never
    ReferenceStyle: Internal
    RequireDerivedKeys: False
    X509ReferenceStyle: Any)

    Since we already know how to configure wcf tracing we did just that on the server. Surprisingly enough the trace contained no error! Furthermore, the message logs in the server shows that the server got a valid request and even sent the correct response. Hmmm…
    The next step is to configure tracing and logging at the client. The logging seems fine and the trace log shows us the same exception “Cannot resolve KeyInfo…”.

    What happened is exactly the same as with last time: The client and the server are not using matching X.509 certificates. As suggested there, you should verify the correctness of the X.509 references in web/app.config. If that doesn't help - remove and reinstall the relevant certificates from the windows certificate store.


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