Saturday, October 11, 2008

Java, WCF & Web Services Interoperability (part 3 of N): It's SoapAction time


So, you want to write an Axis2 web service and have .Net WCF clients too? Or maybe you already have a .Net 2.0 endpoint and want it to be consumed by WSIT? Yes, that’s possible, but there is some important stuff you should know about. Whether you are a .Net WCF, AXIS2, Metro or any other framework developer/tester – you want to stay tuned for this series.

Arun came up with an interesting interoperability issue for WSDL's without SoapAction. SoapAction is an on-the-wire-acronym for web service operations. For example in a web service "Calculator" the operation "Add" can have a SoapAction of "http://myService/Add" (but any arbitrary name can be used). Here is how this appears in the wsdl:

<wsdl:operation name="Add">
<soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" />

An issue arises when no SoapAction appears: Should we use an empty SoapAction or a default one? Arun explains how this is handled in WSIT (Tango) and WCF. The conclusion is to always explicitly declare a SoapAction for all operations. If your framework generates the WSDL for you - make sure you annotate it correctly so it emit this information.


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