Friday, April 22, 2011

...and, we're back!


This post violates at least 4 of the blogging cliches. Read at your own risk!

You might have noticed I've disappeared for a while. The reason is that I have been practically leaving on an airplane in the last two months beeing over 80 hours in flights.

In early march I have visited Redmond for the MVP global summit. I've met people which so far I've only seen in the cover of their books. I've met some of my favorite bloggers and readers. And even though I'm a Connected Systems MVP I took a picture with the Biztalk MVP's (thanks to leonid who took the photo):

I have then visited customers in many states in the US. I never regretted for taking that extra coat and clothes because some places were damn cold! Still I had a lot of fun, met some super smart people, and also had time to visit beautiful places:

Shortly after I came back home I got my 5th star in the MSDN forums:

I'm very proud for being able to help so many people. I am going to continue and participate in these forums not only because I love to help but also since I learn a lot on the way.


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Sahan Arampath said...

congrats mate. keep it up the good work...